• Health

    The Acquired Taste of Healthy Foods

    This week I was told twice that my last name is the exact same name as someone’s favorite drink: Buchanan. I had to google it to find out that it is scotch whiskey. Alcohol is a funny thing– it takes years to acquire the taste for many, and mixed drinks are truly an art form. People boast of the best ones by saying “you can’t even taste the alcohol!” When enjoying the finest of drinks, you will see some of the liquor connoisseurs take their time, maybe take a whiff, and savor each sip as they note hints of flower, fruit, wood, and smokiness. Don’t be fooled– when someone describes…

  • Health,  Recipes

    Foods to Eat for Healthy Hair

    The last video of the healthy hair series is by far the most important. What you put in your body as fuel is more significant than any number of shampoos or techniques to grow longer, healthier hair. Here is a video with my top nutrients for healthier and stronger hair as well as a delicious salad! Salad Ingredients (Serves 2) 1 tangelo (or orange), sectioned and peeled 2-3 cups shredded leafy greens 1 bell pepper, julienned 5-6 basil leaves, cut into ribbons 1/4 cup cilantro, roughly chopped 1/4 cup pecan halves, roughly chopped 1/2 avocado, sliced Dressing 1 tbsp olive oil 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar 1/2 lemon sea salt to…

  • Divine Fitness,  Health,  Product Reviews,  Videos

    A Day at The Ranch Malibu

    When I was asked to join a group of fitness bloggers to experience and observe what this wonderful place, The Ranch at Live Oak Malibu had to offer for jump-starting fitness and facilitating weight loss, I was completely excited! Now I can share my firsthand knowledge with others who may benefit from this completely amazing and energizing experience. The Ranch         The ranch itself is one very large plot of land just a few miles from the ocean, and just far enough off the beaten path to feel like it is a far away place. The less distractions during this journey, the better! In fact, my cell…