Instagram Censorship
I’ve been a pretty big fan of Instagram (IG) since I joined a year ago. Instagram is a great way to connect with people of common interests, and tell a story about your life without words. Most of my photos are centered around fun dining experiences, cooking adventures, and new fashion trends I find appealing. People can tag photos with different hash tags so that others may find them. A girl who is on her way to a 5am jog may tag a photo of the park with #goodmorning, #fitness, or #jogging. The other day I posted a photo of a simple breakfast of a crumpet, sliced apples, and peanut…
Author Audrey Sivasothy-Davis Speaks on Healthy Hair
I read The Science of Black Hair first, then found out more about you, the author. I was completely surprised and impressed at how young you are, to have taken on such a big topic and to have covered it in such detail. What inspired you to write this book? Thank you! Yes, that does tend to surprise people! It surprises me too, but I couldn’t have done any of this on my own. I’m a woman of faith (as you can probably tell from my acknowledgements page!) so I am not shy about talking about where my help comes from! Honestly, I had no idea how far the book…
Safely Vegan
Recently I was asked for a few tips to help out with a new vegan diet. I can understand wanting to be safe, because many times people set out to become vegan or vegetarian and without knowledge, they become discouraged or even in poor health and they end up switching back to their old ways. It doesn’t matter if you’re trying a pescatarian, paleo, vegan, or vegetarian lifestyle–it needs to be an informed decision. It is good to know your body and your current state of health before starting, and to have a plan. I’ll share with you my tips, and I’d love to hear some feedback on what has…