Don’t Deny Your Blessings! | Wonderfully Made Podcast
Have you ever considered that the blessings you receive are also meant you shape you and grow you in an incredible way? I say this because, sometimes we pray for a thing and it comes sooner than we expect. Maybe if we are honest, we didn’t expect it to come at all. It could be a job, or love, or any other new opportunity. When it comes, how do we respond? A lot of us have a hard time believing we deserve the things we pray for, and as a result we can end up forfeiting our blessings because we refuse them or simply cannot even see them at all.…
The Things We Carry
We at times can find ourselves in a negative cycle, negative thought process, or just generally do not feel a sense of hope. The beliefs that lead us to a sense of hopelessness are a part of the things we carry, metaphorically. Like a well-worn backpack filled with items that are personal to us, we often travel through life with beliefs, ideas, and convictions which weigh us down. Our belief system is meant to guide our actions and ideas– but at times, our beliefs can grab us and keep us unmoving, stuck, paralyzed, even by a narrative that may not even be based on truth. So while we may not…
Graduation Season: Transitioning in Life | Wonderfully Made Podcast
Graduation season is a reminder for me that life has important times of great shift and transition. These times are meant to mature us, but they are difficult and uncomfortable. I share 6 tips for shifting your mindset and easing your transition. Keep things in perspective. We often fear one move or one choice will make or break our future, and it causes a dangerous paralysis. In reality, we are all who we are, and where we are due to a series of choices. We have the ability to change course, correct, and move in a new direction. So, we must move. Move knowing, that we don’t know all…
Surround Yourself with People Who Think Differently | Wonderfully Made Podcast
It’s easy to get stuck in a rut when we have done nothing to renew our way of thinking. So often we go to the same places, eat the same foods, and hang with the same people. How can we find new solutions in life and gain a fresh perspective unless we surround ourselves with people who don’t just think the same way we do? As we face transitions in life or difficult times, it becomes obvious how imperative a fresh mindset is. If we can examine our mindset, the people we spend time with, the places we go, and even the things we eat, we can likely find a…
What to Do When You’re Feeling Totally Uninspired | Wonderfully Made
What do you do when you are feeling uninspired? Sometimes it goes beyond a simple moment of writer’s block. Sometimes we are feeling totally and completely uninspired. What can we do in times like this? I share a few tips of how to work in and through this process in my latest episode of the Wonderfully Made podcast. When you do take a moment to step away and gain clarity, make a mental note of what worked. Was it getting out in nature, hanging with family, taking the dog for a walk, or listening to one of your favorite songs? Remember: it may not be convenient, but these things happen,…
Living Intentionally: Why am I Doing What I’m Doing?
Isn’t it crazy how much technology has advanced over the past few years? When I think about how far different platforms I use have come, I am amazed. A lot of platforms and technology have really helped to make life easier as well as make business easier. One thing that is common, is the auto play feature. Whether you’re watching Hulu, YouTube, or some other media outlet, you don’t have to think. All you have to do is sit there and keep watching. In fact, autopilot features extend beyond what’s available on the internet. Even your car will drive for you. As convenient as all of this is. shutting our…
Judging a Book by Its Cover | Wonderfully Made Podcast
Are there ways we can lighten up when it comes to using past experiences to determine future decisions? Let’s explore together. Don’t forget to leave a review if you enjoyed this episode! Btws, for your convenience my podcast is now available on all podcast platforms including Spotify! http://traffic.libsyn.com/wonderfullymadepodcast/judging_a_book_by_its_cover_final.mp3
There’s Still Time | The Wonderfully Made Podcast
As we have entered the last quarter of the year, many experience a change of pace. Some speed up in a rush to get it all done, and some slow down because “it can wait till 2018”. Or maybe you’re one of the fortunate on track types, and are slowing down because everything went according to plan. 🙂 I want to encourage you and remind you there is still time. You can do so much with the last quarter of the year. You’ve learned from experiences and can work well under pressure. You can take advantage of the slowed pace of others, and zoom past to the finished line.…
Lacking Motivation
I wish it weren’t true, but sometimes I wake up just not feeling like doing what I need to do. If I wait around for the motivation to come, it usually doesn’t. The only cure is to force myself to start, and once I do I usually get a good rhythm going. This is especially true for exercise. Many have said to me they admire my dedication for being active 5-6 days a week. I honestly don’t always feel like it, and it isn’t always a stellar work out, but I do always get a little something done. I show up. I start. https://www.instagram.com/p/BXBIc_kgXyf/?taken-by=divinehostess Maybe this is tougher than…
Dealing with Disappointment | The Wonderfully Made Podcast
Disappointment is a normal part of the human experience, but how we handle disappointment dictates our experience. How do we manage and make the most of any situation when nearly every situation turns out differently than we had hoped? Hope defies sensibility and requires one not to see, but to envision. This episode explores the patience and resolve required to overcome disappointment. Hope must be spoken to, watered, given sunlight, pruned, gazed upon and kept alive at all cost. https://soundcloud.com/wonderfullymadepodcast/dealing-with-disappointment