Divine Fitness

Doubt and Fear, Confidence and Hope

Earlier today I posted this quote on my fan page:

Your dreams are the flowers, and doubt is the weeds. Get it??

I can think of so many times I had a great idea, and I talked myself out of it, or delayed action on it. Oh, I had wonderful excuses. I would hide behind perfectionism and say I was planning to start when I got my ducks all in a row. Other times I was honestly just plain scared!
All around me, I would see people pursuing their ideas with courage– and they seemed unaffected by the hiccups and imperfections. They just kept going! They perfected their craft along the journey instead of waiting. This is what winners do.
Since I want to be a winner, I’m taking courage to pursue my dreams now. I won’t blame anyone else who doesn’t believe in me or my vision. I am daily holding myself accountable to have confidence and hope instead of doubt and fear. If you’re reading this, I suggest you do the same!


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