Podcast Episode

The Things We Carry

woman hiking

We at times can find ourselves in a negative cycle, negative thought process, or just generally do not feel a sense of hope.

The beliefs that lead us to a sense of hopelessness are a part of the things we carry, metaphorically. Like a well-worn backpack filled with items that are personal to us, we often travel through life with beliefs, ideas, and convictions which weigh us down. Our belief system is meant to guide our actions and ideas– but at times, our beliefs can grab us and keep us unmoving, stuck, paralyzed, even by a narrative that may not even be based on truth.

So while we may not be able to accelerate our time of transition, in what ways can we change our perspective to give us a sense of stability or to have a grounding effect? We’ll discuss this in my latest episode, “The Things We Carry“.

This episode includes a visualization exercise that may help you see yourself setting aside anything that does not help you move forward on your journey in life.

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